It is the day that so many writers dream of and strive for. So it may seem odd when I say that when I set out to finish my first full-length novel I had no intention of getting it published. I simply never dreamed that would ever be a possibility for someone like me. My aim was purely to see if I could finish the task of writing a full-length novel. I was fearful when friends and family wanted to read it and even more so when a published author encouraged me to submit it to publishers and agents. My main worry? Well, people like me don't write books, it was never mentioned by my careers advisor as being a possibility (she was also the Netball coach so I'm not convinced my school were taking the whole thing that seriously). It just wasn't an option, hence my assumption that us ordinary folk don't become writers - but you see, sometimes we do!
So my story is out there for everyone to buy which means people I don't know are reading it and that is very scary. I just hope that whoever reads it enjoys it. A big thank you from me to everyone that has helped me get here and especially to all you lovely people who are reading it.