Last week it was the RNA Summer Party which made me think about my trip down for the party last year. A year ago it was my first RNA event, I knew no-one and had no idea where I was heading (in more ways than one!) This year I was meeting up with friends I have been lucky enough to make as well as a quick trip to Fortnum and Masons (I mean why wouldn't you? It's just a few strides away and the macaroons are divine. I digress.)
I also met up with a few of my Twitter friends I have made but never actually met and had a chat to some completely brilliant and successful authors including Julie Cohen, Liz Fenwick, Talli Rowland and Trisha Ashley. Last year I was star struck, this year I managed actual conversations with them, there was alcohol involved but I think I was still fairly coherent, well it was passable anyway.
The next event on the RNA calendar is the Conference, this year I know what to expect and I can't wait.