I don't mind mice, they are small and furry with big eyes so they're quite cute really, apart from when they are under your sofa at ten thirty at night and you want to go to bed. Cat was very excited and thoroughly enjoyed the game of 'try to catch the mouse'. The mouse may have been of Australian origin as it had a hefty and impressive jump on it! This made it virtually impossible to catch.
I had a bright idea (they do occur occasionally) and opened the pantry cupboard to get a tea towel at which point the mouse was inside lightning quick and disappeared amongst the shoe rack. It was finally encouraged out and it ran towards my kneeling husband. The only refuge near him was the kitchen bin and the cat scratching post, so the cat and I got in position and prepared to grab the mouse when husband moved the bin but surprisingly there was no sign of the mouse. My honed powers of deduction told me that there was only one place it could be (behind the cat scratching post - please try and keep up). So in an elaborate Ta Dah moment my husband lifted the post with a flourish to reveal absolutely nothing. What?!
We walked round the kitchen and puzzled over where the mouse could have disappeared to. Was it the Dynamo of the mouse world?
Then I said, "I definitely say run towards your legs when you were kneeling down and then it disappeared."
At this point my husband's face suddenly displayed a facial expression I have never seen before but to give you an idea it was something like the face you would pull if watching a scary movie whilst sitting on a wasp.
"It's up my trouser leg!" He shouted and removed his trousers at lightning speed (I have never seen him remove them that fast before, not even on our wedding night!)
And low and behold, he was right. The little furry creature appeared to be heading for what it may have thought was a sanctuary for furry creatures in his underwear and was only a couple of centimetres away from its goal when the trousers disappeared. It clung to his upper thigh for a moment before alighting to the floor where I grabbed it in a tea towel and released it back into the wild (or more accurately next door's garden).
What does this have to do about writing you ask? Not a lot (actually nothing at all) except to say that I'm still laughing about this incident (because who knew that mice will actually go up your trouser leg?) and it is moments like these - where you laugh so hard you think you may have ruptured something - that remind you what life is all about.